21st February 2021 Matins (live via Zoom)

Zoom service is over.  Here’s the recorded and edited version (will be available to watch as soon as it finishes uploading – approximately 2pm)

Text is on the screen.





Hopefully the technology will enable me to stream the service of Matins live from St Mary’s on Sunday morning at 9.45am.  The zoom link you will need is:


If you click on the above link, it should open a web browser (e.g. Safari, Microsoft Edge) and then open Zoom.  You shouldn’t need a password, but if you do, it is Zk07Dn.  If all works well, you will appear immediately without me needing to welcome you in.

As the zoom meeting can only be 40 minutes, I have to start it basically on time rather than a few minutes early.  If you are a little late joining in, don’t worry, just connect – you won’t disturb anyone!

As it is live, there will be no accompanying text.  You can download this service sheet if you wish to follow.

I also hope to record the service, so that if the internet fails, there should be a recorded version available early Sunday afternoon.
