2nd May Benefice Communion via Zoom

For those of you still unsure about joining in a church service in person for whatever reason, you are welcome to join us this morning via zoom.  Just click on the link below, and then choose whether you wish to be visible (to the minister and other zoom participants, no one in church will see you).  I love hearing your voices, but to make sure everyone can hear what is going on in church, I’m afraid you need to stay muted.

Click here to join the meeting at 10.30

If you wish, you can join instead by phone.  Follow the following steps:

  1. Call  0208 080 6591 or 0208 080 6592
  2. At the prompt, the meeting ID is 875 7540 7195
  3. At the next prompt, the passcode is 410916

Please note these details are correct – the details on the weekly sheet are a bit confused.


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